Books on Fibromyalgia
Here is a list of recommended books on fibromyalgia (both fiction and non-fiction).
If you'd prefer a more curated list, that's more tailored to your needs, interests and reading preferences you might find our Personalised Book Prescription helpful. You might also find it helpful to undertake a bibliotherapy session or our online Bibliotherapy, Literature and Mental Health course where you can discuss/explore whatever you're going through in more depth.
Get a Life Chloe Brown (Fiction) by Talia Hibbert
Kirsty, this is wonderful, romantic comedy of a female protagonist with fibromyalgia, Chloe Brown, who’s fed up with being labelled ‘boring’. Out to prove herself, she resorts to convincing her attractive neighbour to take her on exciting and novel experiences. After almost dying she is determined to pursue seven thrilling activities including enjoying a drunken night out, riding a motorbike, camping, having pleasurable, meaningless sex and traveling the world.
But Chloe’s in for a surprise with her new man. A beautiful, witty and entertaining read.
Conquering Your Fibromyalgia: Real Answers and Real Solutions for Real Pain (Non-fiction) by Michael Lenz
Often fibromyalgia is treated as a condition that is in your head – that it’s not real. This misunderstanding leaves many sufferers in not just physical pain but the mental agony of their very, real plight not being recognised.
This book marries both – it helps the millions of sufferers across the world whilst helping their loved ones understand what they are going through and the reality of day-to-day living with fibromyalgia.
Michael Lenz, an expert in internal medicine shows us not only how to survive but how to thrive and manage the pain from fibromyalgia successfully.
Looking for something more specific? Get something more tailored with our personalised book prescriptions within 48 hours.
You might also find it helpful to explore these feelings in a bibliotherapy session or learn some bibliotherapy techniques to help you process these feelings by completing our online Bibliotherapy, Literature and Mental Health course or our book Bibliotherapy: The Healing Power of Reading.
A big hello and thank you for reading! Passionate about literature, psychology, and life I launched Book Therapy as an alternative form of therapy using the power of literature. I train mental health professionals, librarians, teachers as well as readers on using bibliotherapy in their own work through our online Bibliotherapy, Literature and Mental Health course. We also curate reading lists/personalised book prescriptions for clients based on their individual needs. This is our signature personalised reading service.
You can also check out Book Therapy’s other free reading lists and A- Z of book prescriptions (covering both fiction and non-fiction). These suggest books based on your existing life situation (e.g. anxiety, job change, relationship heartache) as well as interests (e.g memoir, historical fiction, non-fiction, crime etc). There’s also a Children’s A — Z of Book Prescriptions. Feel free to check out the blog for more literary gems. There’s also a post on my personal story of how I entered the world of bibliotherapy and book curation.
In this role, I have had the opportunity to publish two books called Bibliotherapy: The Healing Power of Reading and The Happiness Mindset, and write various literary essays and pieces for newspapers and magazines. I have undertaken bibliotherapy workshops for The United Nations, various libraries in New York and corporate organisations in the UK and US. My book recommendations have featured in the Guardian, Marie Claire, NBC News, Asian Voice, New York Observer, Sydney Telegraph and various other publications. If you are a parent you might enjoy a podcast I’ve recorded with speech and language therapist Sunita Shah on Raising A Reader & Storyteller. And if you’d like to connect, email me at or
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