The Types of Book Therapy

Posted by Bijal Shah on

From educational to developmental

The goal of book therapy is to inform, educate and heal. Book therapy or bibliotherapy comprises two main types: educational and therapeutic.

Educational book therapy is often used amongst school-age children and adolescence to teach them about developmental milestones, for example, puberty and building resilience.

Therapeutic book therapy focuses on specific issues, phobias or conditions. It uses fiction, non-fiction or a combination of the two to help alleviate the symptoms and resolve the issue. These could involve short stories, novels, biographies, poetry and self-help books. Imaginative or creative book therapy can be powerful in helping someone identify with the characters, experience a connection and feel understood.

By carefully hand-picking the right books, a book therapist can guide the reader onto a beautiful journey of self-awareness, reflection and healing.

Here at Book Therapy, we curate reading lists tailored to the readers needs and wishes, based on a questionnaire. We also hold Skype sessions with the reader should they wish to speak to a book therapist in more depth.

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